We are the Orienteering Foundation, a charity that promotes and supports orienteering, to bring all the benefits this amazing sport has to offer the people of the UK, and to ensure that our sport is here for the enjoyment of generations to come. Important areas of focus (but by no means the only ones!) include:
Club development | Volunteer effort project | Newcomer Retention | Technology innovation | Coaching Days | Legacy Program
Reach out to any of us to discuss any aspect of our work, including how you can Support Us and Apply for Funding.
We are governed by a Chair and a Board of Trustees, and supported by Ambassadors to reach the orienteering community. See Meet the Board, Meet our Ambassadors and Get in Touch to find your nearest Ambassador or Trustee, or talk to our administrator Viv Macdonald (email).
Follow us on Social Media (links below) or Subscribe to our Newsletter.
The Orienteering Foundation works to tackle emerging issues. We fund junior programmes, invest in elites, develop clubs, support adult coaching opportunities, developing ways to alleviate volunteer workloads, and sponsor projects leveraging new technologies in our sport. With your help we can do more.

LOC newcomer end of year report
LOC are now into their third year of support for club development. See their End of 2024 Family Project Newsletter for latest news and what is coming up in 2025.

Coaching day November 2024 update
We faced bad weather for the Orienteering Foundation coaching day in the Lakes on Saturday 23rd November. We looked into rerunning it at the same location in January for those that couldn’t make it, but unfortunately access permission issues have prevented this. Sorry. See below for details.

OD advertising for new CDO
We recently gave a grant to Octavian Droobers to support a new Club Development Officer. They have now opened applications for the ideal candidate!
JROS Lagganlia 2024 junior coaching report
Earlier this year we gave a grant to the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads to support the expenses of junior coaches at Lagganlia (see award). Here we bring you a report

JROS minibus driving report
Earlier this year we made a grant to the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS) towards paying for minibus driving lessons and a test (see award). Katherine Bett was on the receiving end of this, and we bring you her report.

WCOC Peter Palmer Junior Team Relay report
Earlier this year we gave a grant to West Cumberland Orienteering Club to enhance the Peter Palmer Junior Team Relay with live commentary, GPS trackers, and radio controls (see award). Here we have their report from the event.

Octavian Droobers club development officer
We are delighted to make a grant award to Octavian Droobers to help fund a Club Development Officer