Give while you shop

The Orienteering Foundation is registered with several Give While you Shop schemes.  By registering and using one or more of these schemes, online retailers will make a donation to your chosen cause for every purchase you make.

How it works

With all the schemes, you make a purchase through an online retailer and they make a donation back to your chosen charity, typically a small percentage of your purchase price. There is no additional cost to you of doing this, the charitable donation is entirely made by the online retailer. The only requirement is that you get to the online retailer via the website of whichever scheme you are registered with below. The video linked for Go Raise below gives you a good idea how all the schemes work.

Registered schemes

The Orienteering Foundation is registered with the following schemes.  :

If you know of similar schemes you use and would like to see the Orienteering Foundation registered with, please let us know.

Note: We used to be registered with Amazon Smile which meant whenever you shopped at smile.amazon.co.uk, you’ll found the same prices, selection and shopping experience as amazon.co.uk, with the added bonus that Amazon donated a portion of the purchase price to your selected charity. However, in January 2023 Amazon announced that they were winding down the program by 20th February 2023, to focus on their other charitable initiatives. 


Last updated: Thu 19 Jan 2023

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