JROS minibus driving lessons and test

Juniors at Lagganlia 2023 - need plenty of minibus space to transport them to all the training activities!
Juniors at Lagganlia 2023 - need plenty of minibus space to transport them to all the training activities!
Credit: Wendy Carlyle

We are pleased to award a grant for minibus driving lessons and tests to support the Lagganlia training camp in 2024 and beyond.

The Lagganlia camp has been going for over 30 years, and is one of the staples of the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS) program, providing the first taste of a junior orienteering camp for M/W14s. Targeting 24 juniors, and a large number of youth and adult coaches, this is a significant logistical undertaking, and only financially viable by using minibuses to transport everyone around. Recent years have relied on a dedicated but diminishing pool of volunteers qualified to drive the two minibuses required for the camp, and it is hard to find more as only those who passed their test before 1997 are automatically qualified to drive minibuses. Otherwise it is necessary to take lessons for and pass the D1 driving test.

This grant will support JROS taking Katherine Bett - a long standing coach and supporter of JROS - through her D1 lessons and test, so she can drive a minibus at the Lagganlia camp in 2024 and future years.

Last updated: Sat 4 Nov 2023