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Julian Lailey - Joss Naylor Lakeland Challenge
We are pleased to hear Julian Lailey will be attempting the Joss Naylor Lakeland Challenge and raising money part of which will be for the Orienteering Foundation.

Support the GBR team at WOC 2019
We are proud to be supporting a dedicated fundraising campaign to power the GBR team to the World Orienteering Championships 2019 in Norway.

Coaching day Nov 2019
The Orienteering Foundation is pleased to announce support for another coaching day in the Lakes on Saturday 23rd November 2019, in a similar format to the one back in November 2018 (you can find a review here). We are particularly keen to promote coaching of adult orienteers, who are often under-served, but also welcome groups including juniors. Details of the day are below. Put the date in your diaries, and either sign up as an individual, or think about encouraging your club to attend as a group!
Open Design Orienteering Timing System
We have made a grant to support a proof of concept open source and low cost alternative to SPORTident and EMIT timing systems.
Steve Rush photography
We are pleased to be supporting the hosting costs for Steve Rush photography for the coming year.

Lagan Valley JHI 2019
We are pleased to be supporting Lagan Valley Orienteers as they stage the Junior Home International competition.
Scottish team training for World Schools Champs 2019
A report on the Scottish Schools team training for the World Schools Championships Orienteering this year.