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Freddie Carcas in the European Champs knock out sprint

Freddie Carcas European Champs review

As reported previously we gave a grant to Freddie Carcas towards personal costs for attending the European Championships to compete in the Knock Out Sprint. Here is Freddie's report from the competition.

Sun 26 Nov 2023Read more…

Freddie Carcas at the EOC23 knockout sprint qualifier

Freddie Carcas at European Champs knockout sprint

We are pleased to have awarded a grant to Freddie Carcas to support his attendance at the European Championships in the knockout sprint event.

Sat 4 Nov 2023Read more…

Stirling University Orienteering Club

STUOC club development

We are pleased to award a grant to Stirling University Orienteering Club (STUOC) for using an external coach as the club grows, and organising a planning workshop to help individuals develop and spreads the load of planning training sessions.

Sat 4 Nov 2023Read more…

Juniors at Lagganlia 2023 - need plenty of minibus space to transport them to all the training activities!

JROS minibus driving lessons and test

We are pleased to award a grant for minibus driving lessons and tests to support the Lagganlia training camp in 2024 and beyond.

Sat 4 Nov 2023Read more…

SELOC adult and family projects

We are pleased to award grants to South East Lancashire Orienteering Club (SELOC) for two projects, one focussed on adults and one on families.

Sat 4 Nov 2023Read more…

Keith Marsden with Ralph Street (SLOW) at a Junior Start Programme weekend in 2006

Keith Marsden 1943-2023

We were saddened to learn that Keith Marsden passed away earlier in the year. 

Mon 30 Oct 2023Read more…

CLOK club development officer year 2 report

Two years after we first supported Cleveland Orienteering Klub (CLOK) in co-funding a club development officer position, Caroline Mackenzie, CLOK chair, shares with us an update on how things are going.

Fri 27 Oct 2023Read more…

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