Legacy Programme

The Foundation launched the 1%ers programme in October 2018 to encourage orienteers to consider making a small gift in their will to the work of the Foundation.

Orienteering is an important source of enjoyment for many people, an opportunity to compete in a physically and mentally challenging sport, in a community of likeminded people who regularly work together across a spectrum of club activities, event management, planning, mapping, coaching, training… the list is enormous!  Many hours are given free every year by orienteers to support the sport and the Foundation recognises and is grateful for all these contributions.

Asking for a small percentage gift is intended to encourage orienteers to include the Foundation in any will they make without having a material impact on gifts they may want to make to their friends and family, and other charities important to them.  It doesn’t matter how big or small your estate will be because the gift will always remain a nominal amount – just 1% or an approximately ££ equivalent.

Becoming a 1%er!

We want to build a community of people interested in supporting the future of the sport, and our legacy givers, if they wish, will be invited to be known as a ‘1%er’.  We will look to this group to help us think through some of the challenges ahead for the Foundation, giving us their advice and insight into the areas the Board are wrestling with.

Last updated: Fri 20 Dec 2024

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