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BOC / BRC refunds raise over £6000 for JROS
Entrants to the cancelled British Championships weekend have generously donated more than £6000 in refunds to the Junior Regional Orienteering Squads (JROS) via the Orienteering Foundation.

What will you do in 2021?
Are you thinking of a personal challenge in 2021? Why not do it as a fundraiser for the Orienteering Foundation!

FVO club development officer
We are pleased to award a grant to Forth Valley Orienteers (FVO) to help extend their Development Officer role.
Annual report 2020
Our annual report for 2020 is now available here.

Andrew Evans takes over as Chair
After 5 years in the role, Neil Cameron (NGOC) has stepped down as Chair of the Orienteering Foundation, and Andrew Evans (DFOK) has taken over.

Duncan Archer steps down as Trustee
After 6 years in role, Duncan Archer is stepping down as a Trustee, but continuing as an Ambassador of the Orienteering Foundation.

CLOK Club and Schools Development Officer adverts
We recently announced support for CLOK to contract a Club Development Officer. This position is now being advertised.